London Chapter
One of the most sparkling activity of BVIMR Alumni Association (UNITED BRETHREN).The Association- hosted its annual Alumni meet of London Chapter on 11th June,11 in London. This meet brought BVIMR community of alumni, all together and provided a wonderful evening to rekindle old memories amongst the alumni, re-called the heydays at BVIMR.
The alumni were touched by the warm reception and participated in high spirits, making the meet a huge success. Mr. Rajesh Setia (an alumni and Vice President of United Brethren) in coordination with Ms.Monisha Thakur and Ms.Sumathi Narayanan Menon who are heading London Chapter, Alumni Association welcomed the alumni and congratulated them for their excellent performance in the corporate world. The alumni conveyed their appreciation to BVIMR Alumni Relationship Committee for an excellent and successful event with a promise to hold such events in the future also.